Reinette: Oh, this is my lover, the King of France.
The Doctor: [dismissive] Yeah? Well I'm the Lord of Time.
Ah, dragul meu Doctor Who. Când mă uitam la Dr. House, nu credeam că există vreun doctor care să-mi placă mai mult. Well, I was wrong.
Iubesc accentul lui englezesc, vorbăria lui continuă, simţul umorului şi râsul său isteric. Îl iubesc pentru că salvează vieţile tuturor de fiecare dată. Nu se opreşte niciodată. Nu stă niciodată. Nu cere mulţumiri niciodată. Traversează de-a lungul şi de-a latul universului, salvând vieţile oamenilor, reparând ce este greşit şi luptând împotriva tuturor felurilor de monştri ( chiar şi împotriva diavolului ). Şi nu cere ca numele lui să fie pus pe un panou publicitar. Nu cere admiraţie. Nu cere să fie tratat ca un zeu. Nu cere niciodată nimic. Pentru că, în definitiv, tot ce vrea el... este să nu mai fie singur. Şi asta este cu atât mai trist, cu cât soarta lui este să fie singur.
Nu ştiu cât de bun este Matt Smith în rolul de doctor, dar eu îl iubesc pe David Tennant. Niciun alt actor nu i-a dat doctorului atât de multă personalitate, atât de multă viaţă ca Tennant. Doctorul era atât de... nu ştiu, optimist, vesel, şi totuşi atât de uman şi de plin de compasiune. În plus, David Tennant era... adică este... mă rog, era destul de sexy. Mai sexy decât Eccleston şi Smith la un loc. Ceea ce... face totul să fie mai clar.
Aşa că, hands down for David Tennant. Şi am găsit câteva citate amuzante cu Wikiquote.
The Doctor: And, I'll tell you something else - we just met Queen Victoria!
Rose: Oh I know! She was just sitting there.
The Doctor: Like a stamp!
Rose: I wanted to say [imitating Queen Victoria] "we are not amused". Bet you five quid I can make her say it.
The Doctor: Well if I gambled on that, it'd be an abuse of my privilege as a traveler in time.
Rose: Ten quid?
The Doctor: Done.
Rose: [about the Koh-i-Noor] How much is that worth?
The Doctor: They say the wages of the entire planet for a whole week.
Rose: Good job my mum's not here, or she'd be fighting the wolf off with her bare hands for that thing.
The Doctor: She'd win.
Rose: Oh, here's trouble. What you been up to?
The Doctor: Oh, this and that. Became the imaginary friend of a future French aristocrat, picked a fight with a clockwork man... [A horse whinnies off screen] Oh, and I met a horse.
Mickey: What's a horse doing on a spaceship?
The Doctor: Mickey, what's pre-revolutionary France doing on a spaceship? Get a little perspective!
Shakespeare: To be or not to be... Ooh. That's quite good.
The Doctor: You should write that down.
Shakespeare: Maybe not. Bit pretentious?
The Doctor: Meh.
Yvonne Hartman: You always travel with a companion. There's no point hiding anything. Not from us. So where is she?
The Doctor: Yes. Sorry, good point. She's just a bit shy, that's all.
[The Doctor opens the door to the TARDIS, where Rose and Jackie are hiding and grabs Jackie, pulling her out.]
The Doctor: But here she is, Rose Tyler! Hm, she's not the best I've ever had. Bit too blonde. Not too steady on her pins. A lot of that [makes a movement with his hand to indicate she talks too much] And just last week she stared into the heart of the time vortex and aged 57 years. But she'll do.
Jackie: I'm forty!
The Doctor: Deluded. Bless. I'll have to trade her in. Do you need anyone? She's very good at tea. Well, when I say "very good" I mean not bad. Well, I say "not bad"— anyway, lead on. Allons-y—but not too fast. Her ankle's going.
Jackie: I'll show you were my ankle's going!
The Doctor: Name?
General Staal: General Staal of the Tenth Sontaran Battle Fleet. "Staal The Undefeated!"
The Doctor: Oh that's no good. What if you get defeated? "Staal The Not-Quite-So-Undefeated-Any-More-But-Never-Mind?"
Adelaide: State your name, rank, and intention!
The Doctor: The Doctor. Doctor. Fun.
The Doctor: I'd call you a genius, except I'm in the room.
agree! david tennant mi s'a parut si mie cel mai bun doctor. :3
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